How underwriting works from "App thru Approval"

This page gives an overview of how Rentzap's underwriting process works.

Five Stages of Underwriting

Stage 1: Primary Application Received

The "app thru approval" process begins when an applicant submits a signed and dated individual application directly to Rentzap.

When this first individual application is submitted, Rentzap creates a Household


The household encompasses all the different types of life that are associated with the lease.

Member TypeMember ClassDescription


Primary Applicant

First adult that submitted an application in the household



Other adults that will live in the home



Other adults who are financially accountable but will not live in the home



Persons under the age of 18 who will live in the home



Animals that will live in the home



Legally protected animals that provide assistance to a member of the household that will live in the home

Primary Applicant

The first applicant that submits an individual application is designated as the primary applicant of the household.

Co-applicants and Guarantors

Co-applicants and guarantors are the additional applicants listed on the primary applicant's individual application.

[!Note] Rentzap immediately sends co-applicants and guarantors an invitiation to submit individual applications the moment Rentzap receives the primary applicant's individual application.

Stage 2: Household Package Completed

The household package is the collective group of individual applications submitted by the applicants in the household.

The household package has two statuses: complete or incomplete depending on the submission status of each applicant's individual application.

For example, if a household consists of one applicant, then the household package is automatically considered complete as soon as the primary applicant's individual application is received.

But when a household has more than one applicant, Rentzap checks to see if all applicants have submitted an individual application before updating the household package to complete.

Co-applicants are required to submit their own individual application separate from the primary applicant's individual application.

Rentzap follows up with co-applicants to submit their individual application for three days. If they do not submit an application in three days, the household package is considered "Abandoned"

Stage 3: Household Prepped for Underwriting

When the household package is complete, Rentzap begins a "prep check" to ensure that the houseshold is ready for underwriting and meets basic Lister Requirements

Rentzap performs the prep check on the entire household package collectively as well as each individual application.

Household Package Prep Check

Prep Check ItemDescription

Lease Start Date

Does the lease start date meet Listing Requirements?


Does the household meet the Rentzap Standard Requirement (2 occupants per bedroom + one)?


Do the animals meet Listing Requirements?

Individual Application Prep Check

Prep Check ItemDescription

Identity Documentation

Does the name and date of birth on the documentation match the application? Is the documentation valid (authentic and not expired)?

Current Address

Is the current address provided valid?

Income Documentation

Does the name and address match the application? Are two recent supporting documents provided? Are the supporting documents authentic and meet Rentzap's guidelines for usability?

  • If the household package or an individual application does not meet a listing requirement in the prep check, the prep check status is updated to failed and the applicant is notified.

  • Applicants that fail the prep check are given instuctions on how to correct and update their applications to re-enter the prep check stage.

Stage 4: In Underwriting

Once a household passes the prep check stage, Rentzap begins to underwrite the household. There are two components to underwriting: Sourcing Data and Evaluating Data.

Sourcing Data

Rentzap sources first-party data from the applicant's individual application and supporting documents as well as third-party data from Rentzap's data partners. Rentzap's third-party data partners give us access to credit scores, credit reports, background records, bankruptcy records, judgment records, eviction records, lien records and more.

Sourcing Data Delays

The process of sourcing data is quick for most applicants, but there are many reasons why the process can get delayed and take longer than expected. The time frame in which Rentzap can source the data varies on a number of factors beyond Rentzap's control.

Common reasons for Sourcing Data Delays

  • The applicant did not provide accurate or complete enough identifying information for Rentzap's third party providers to find matching records

  • The applicant triggered one or more fraud alerts

  • The applicant does not have a large enough data pool available (commonly referred to as "no hits")

For nearly all common and not-so-common scenarios Rentzap has experienced, Rentzap has processes for continuing to gather data needed to make an underwriting decision.

Evaluating Data

After Rentzap has sourced and verified all the data necessary for each applicant and animal, Rentzap begins to evaluate the data.

To evaluate the data, Rentzap compares the sourced data against the Listing Requirements.

Areas of evaluation

  • Household Average Credit Score

  • Household Average Effective Gross Monthly Income (AEGMI)

  • Individual background history

  • Individual credit history

  • Individual residential history

  • Animal documentation

  • Assistive animal documentation

Stage 5: Decision

Once a household's underwriting evaluation is complete, Rentzap issues a Decision. There are two possible Decision outcomes: Approvable or Denied.


When a household passes all Listing Requirements they are deemed Approvable. The first household that is approvable is sent an approval notice from Rentzap letting them know to expect the lister to reach out within one business day with additional instructions to secure the home.

Rentzap maintains a First in First Out ("FIFO") queue to provide the fairest experience for households and to protect Renzap's housing providers from unintentional Fair Housing issues.


When a household fails to meet one or more Listing Requirements they are sent a denial notice from Rentzap.

Applicants that receive a remediable denial are sent instructions on how they can update and re-submit their application.

Depending on the severity of the denial, a household may be given a chance and a time frame to correct the failure before Rentzap moves to the next household in the queue.

All applicants that receive a denial decision due to data sourced from one of Rentzap's third-party data partners will receive an Adverse Action letter as mandated by the FCRA

Last updated